Gili Meno's Hidden Gems: Uncovering the Island's Secret Spots - Trip Nusa Nadhi
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Gili Meno’s Hidden Gems: Uncovering the Island’s Secret Spots

Activities And Attractions In Gili Meno That Rarely People Know

– Of the three Gili islands, Gili Meno Island is the island that has the smallest area. Tourists who are interested in visiting the island of Gili Meno are mostly tourists who are on their honeymoon. Just like the Gili Air islands, Gili Meno Island offers a calm atmosphere, with very natural scenery.

Party until late at night which is a very normal find on Gili Trawangan, very rare on Gili Meno island. In the following, we will explain about Activities and Attractions in Gili Meno that Rarely People Know.

Gili Meno Beach

For those of you who prefer beach tourism with a quieter atmosphere, Gili Meno beach is the best choice of the three Gilis. Gili Meno Beach also offers the same beautiful beaches as Gili Trawangan and Gili Air. However, Gili Meno beach is quieter with very clear waters.

Gili Meno is often referred to as a beach paradise on the island of Lombok, of course, there is a reason! If you are on vacation to the island of Gili Meno, it’s like having a vacation on a private island, which is far from the hustle and bustle of the urban atmosphere.

Transportation Method

Just like on Gili Trawangan because motorized vehicles are not allowed, the air quality on the island of Gili Meno is still very clean. Some local people use dipper bicycles and horse carts as a means of transportation around the island. If you want to cycle on Gili Meno, you can rent it with the local community. Riding a bicycle in Gili Meno, is one of the most enjoyable activities to do, even though some of the roads are still sand.


Gili Meno Island is still very rarely visited by tourists because tourism support facilities on Gili Meno are still very minimal. So if you are planning a vacation to Gili Meno island, you should prepare personal needs and sufficient cash.

You will find shops or ATMs on this island, such as those on the island of Gili Trawangan. Lodging and food stalls, are already available in Gili Meno. Places to eat on the island of Gili Meno are mostly cafes. The menu at the cafe is mostly grilled fish, western menus, and Indonesian dishes.

Interesting Holiday Activities On Gili Meno Island

Gili Meno Island Snorkelling

If you are on vacation to Gili Meno beach, apart from enjoying the beauty of the beach on foot, there are lots of other activities that you can do. Among them, swimming on the beach, and doing snorkeling activities. Because the sea waters are very clear, so you can easily see fish swimming between the coral reefs and turtles while snorkeling.

One of the popular locations for snorkeling on Gili Meno is on the northeast side. For snorkeling equipment, you can rent it from the locals. You can also book snorkeling activities with the locals. If you order a snorkeling activity, you will be provided with a boat and snorkeling equipment. The snorkel guide will take you to the snorkeling location to see lots of turtles and fish.

Scuba Diving Gili Meno Island

You can also see the beauty of the seabed of Gili Meno by doing scuba diving. On the west side of Gili Meno beach, one of the diving spots that tourists like. The waters are turquoise and very clear, so it is perfect for scuba diving. At a depth of 18 meters, you can already see colorful coral reefs and sea corals.

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